Seeking a PenPal For the End of the World

An audience participation performance focused on reading, writing, and finding the humor in our troubled times.

About the Show

After Trump 1.0’s mob breached the U.S. capitol to destroy democracy on January 6th, 2021, an immigrant drag queen attorney from San Francisco began writing to a retired, White, Republican woman in Bountiful, Utah – his high school English teacher from thirty years ago. What happens when the political discussions stop and the personal stories begin? Can you really be “friends” with a former teacher? An interactive performance, with reading and writing prompts. We tell the story of our lives. For everyone who remembers their English teachers most fondly.

About the Writer

I am a writer, attorney, and occasional drag queen (high heels hurt too much) in San Francisco.

My writing voice can be described as the love child of David Sedaris meets Carrie Bradshaw, with a decidedly political edge. 

As a protest against Trump’s hateful rhetoric during his first presidential campaign in 2016, I took on a pro-bono asylum case for a thirteen year-old boy from Guatemala. After we won, three years later, I wrote an epistolary essay about the experience; it was selected for honorable mention in The Best American essays 2020.

The essay in the link is a good representation of what I am trying to accomplish as a writer as our world crumbles. 

About the Performer

Which dress am I going to wear for the show?

I first started dressing up as a girl when I was sixteen. Since then, I’ve won drag beauty pageants, but I’ve also performed horrendously. I don’t lip-synch. 

I’m a storyteller. I play with the performance of gender to enhance the visual storytelling experience. In other words, I put on a show.

Follow the link to see my promo video for the most recent pageant I competed in. 


Interior Design​

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